The San Francisco Radio Club organized another Summits on the Air event on 23 April 2022. For this "Simul-SOTA" event, there was 11 amateur radio operators activating 9 summits around the Bay Area. Steve W1EGG made a handy map with who was activating each peak:
I activated Vollmer Peak, which is at the southern end of Tilden Park in the hills above Berkeley. Parking at the trailhead was easy in the morning, but by the time I left parking was nonexistent.
The hike up was short, and the views were excellent. I could clearly see Mt. Tamalpais across the bay, which was activated by Vlad K6VVP.
A lot of the other peaks that were activated that morning were visible from from the top, including my previous activated San Pedro Mountain.
HF Radio
This was my first HF activation. I borrowed a Xiegu G1M radio, which is a small QRP SDR. I also borrowed a lithium power pack, and a 49:1 balun for an End-Fed Half Wave antenna. I cut a piece of two conductor zip-cord 33 feet long, which ...
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