Older articles:

  1. Building a Quarter-Wave Ground Plane Antenna

    After my talk at Pacificon a few months ago, several people reached out to me about setting up a radiosonde receiving station at their house. They specifically had questions about the antenna and LNA, and after answering the same question a few times I decided to do a post about this topic.

    Building a 1/4 wave ground plane antenna is very easy to do. The overall design is simple, with a vertical element surrounded by a ground plane consisting of two or four wires bent down. Here are the dimensions for the VHF/UHF amateur radio bands (from the ARRL Handbook), but these dimensions can be scaled to any frequency.

    Quarter wave vertical antenna construction diagram

    There are many online calculators that will give you the approximate dimensions for the elements, but I usually use M0KUD's calculator. Whenever you are making antennas, always cut your elements a bit longer (maybe 20%) than the calculation says, then trim them during tuning.

    Use any type of wire for the elements. I use standard 14-gauge solid copper wire because it's easy to get from the hardware store, it's ...

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