The SF-HAB group launched another picoballoon on December 11th, 2021, from the Berkeley Marina. The launch party was Martin W6MRR, Robert K6RGG, and Kazu AG6NS. This picoballoon used two clear Chinese party balloons with hydrogen gas for lift. Martin's custom electronics was used, with a WSPR transmitter that alternated 14 MHz (20 meters) and 10 MHz (30 meters).
The callsign was W6MRR-22 using the WSPR to APRS bridge, and the WSPR callsign was W6MRR.
This picoballoon floated between 9,900 and 11,100 meters (32.5k to 36.5k feet) for the duration of the flight, which is the perfect altitude for picoballoons. This is above most bad weather (rain and thunderstorms), but still low enough to be in the fast part of the jetstream.
From Oakland, this picoballoon headed east at a pretty fast clip. In total, it traveled about 23,000 km (~17,000 miles) in 12 days, for an average speed of about 80 km/hr (~50 MPH).
One interesting thing was that this balloon was not received on Dec 20th and 21st, when it ...
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